Covid 19 Update 14/5/20

Following the Government’s recent easing of the lockdown it has been decided to open the bowling green in accordance with the rules set out by the British Crown Green Bowling Association from Monday 18th May.

Members may use the green any day between 10.00 am and 9.00 pm subject to the following conditions;

  1. They must be paid up members and have pre-booked the time they wish to bowl (see below).
  2. Maximum two members can use the green in any booked period and there is to be nobody else within the fenced area of the club.
  3. There must always be a minimum of 2 metres distance between the players.
  4. All members must use their own equipment, ie bowls. mat and jack/block. No club equipment will be available.
  5. No member may handle the other member’s bowls. mat and jack/block.
  6. Each member must handle their own mat but the same mat can be stood on by each member to deliver their bowls. This mat must only be handled by the owner of the mat.
  7. Should a member accidentally handle another member’s bowling equipment the game must be stopped while the member sanitises their hands and the equipment handled.
  8. All club facilities including the clubhouse and toilets will remain closed however there is a tap on the wall that can be used with soap to wash hands.

The bowling green can be booked up to seven days in advance by sending a text to Nick on 0758 777 4783 with the date and time required and the names of the player or maximum two players wishing to use the green.

Times must start on the hour and last for one or two hours.

The green can only be used once Nick has confirmed the booking so no last minute bookings please.

The green will be closed on Wednesday afternoons from 1.00pm to 4.00pm for cutting and maintenance.

Membership fees for the current year have been reduced to £10 and can be paid by bank transfer;

Bank: HSBC
Bank Account Number:31133551
Sort Code: 40-21-28
Bank Account Name: Delamere Bowls Club